Mapping Editor

Mapping Editor Panel

Through this panel you can edit the UV mapping, you can also manipulate the UV mapping if the material does not come from Extreme PBR, but make sure that the material is UV Mapped Based.

If you have applied the material with Extreme PBR, make sure you are in UV mode from the Material editor panel (All materials in the Extreme PBR library based on Textures, have a preset UV mapping)

Coordinate Type UV 01


In order to access the Mapping Editor panel you must be in the Main Panel and press the button with the symbol of the Texture. Here the Main Panel section: Mapping Editor Button

Mapping Editor Button 01

Mapping editor is a tool to manipulate UV mapping without necessarily having to use the Blender UV editor. This tool was built to Scale, Move and Rotate UV maps on the fly without having to enter in the UV editor. Clearly it is not a substitute for the UV editor, but it contains the most used functions, especially in the field of architecture.


This tool has nothing to do with Scale Rotate or Location of the material, this tool is able to translate the UV coordinates present on the object. This is necessary especially if you are using the displacement in Modifier mode to also move the displacement coordinates. The displacement section can be found here: Displacement

Brief introduction

There are two ways in which you can manipulate mapping:

In this example a texture is placed into the Square Texture space (left), an UV Map of the object lays on top (Center) and a correspondence is set between faces of the object and colors of the texture (right)

UV Mapping Example 01

Method 01

The first method is to move, rotate and scale the Map, so to vary the correspondence between Texture space and Map.

UV Mapping Example 02

Method 02

The second method is to move, rotate and scale the Texture: so to vary the correspondence between Texture image and Texture space.

UV Mapping Example 03

Using the Mapping Editor lets you use the Method 01: manipulating the correspondence between Texture space and Map

Reset All Parameter

Reset All Parameter 01

It resets all the mapping parameters, bringing them back to the default values, but only in the panel, it will have no effect on the object.

Select Face

Select Face 01

Select the face / faces of the active object, based on the material selected in the material list. Here the section on material list: Material List Section

Lock X/Y

Lock x y 01

If the checkbox on one of the two axes is active, it will lock the scale of the corresponding axis, so you can scale only along the other axis during the UVS Size operation described below

UVS Size

UV Size 01

This resizes the UV map, if you increase the value, the UV map enlarges, if you decrease the value, the UV map decreases.

UVs Pos X/Y

UVs Pos X Y 01

These two sliders are used to translate the UV map on its X and Y axes depending on the slider you are using.

UVs Rot

UV Rot

This slider is used to rotate the UV map.

Cube Projection

Cube Projection

This button allows you to make a cubic mapping on the fly. Useful to re-project a UV mapping when you modify the geometry of the object.

Smart Projection

Smart Projection

This button allows you to make a smart mapping on the fly. Useful to re-project a UV mapping when you modify the geometry